Signs of Gratitude, Friendship, Love. Moments of Compassion.
Personal Words accompany and take part. Making Togetherness visible.
Cards - Abstract

surprising, encouraging
Assortment Cards - AbstractCards - Impressions

touching, calming
Assortment Cards - ImpressionsMourning Cards

empathizing, comforting
Assortment Mourning CardsCards - Flowers / Nature

mouving, being here
Assortment Cards - Flowers / NatureCards - Angels

protecting, strengthening
Assortment Angel CardsChristmas Cards

thinking of each other
Assortment Christmas CardsSizes and Prices
Cards available in the following Sizes:Format 1 / Classic
Card: 16.5 x 12 cm / Envelope DIN B6
Format 2 / Square
Card: 14.5 x 14.5 cm / Envelope 15.5 x 15.5 cm
Format 3 / Mini
Card: 5.5 x 7.6 cm / Envelope DIN C8
Format 4 / Maxi
Card: 22 x 15.5 cm / Envelope DIN C5
Size Chart
Production and Quality
Swiss Manufacturing
Printing: regional printerEnvelopes: Swiss anufacturer
Transparent sleeves: Swiss supplier
Finishing art cards: in house
Sustainable Production
Short transport routesDirect contacts
Material-saving packaging
No packaging material used, whenever possible
Use of transparent covers according to customer requirements
Use of high quality paperPermanent, lightfast printing-colours